
This is my site, look at posts for blogs which most people already know about. full for full featured content, this will be for living documents that I will try to maintain. My SSL/TLS article will be here as will others like the document describing my dotfiles.

I am Kevin, a "devops" "sysadmin" who really enjoy's "engineering". I try to document difficult points in technology. I'm mostly self taught, I have met very interesting and cool people along the way and I really like hanging out with them still.

Trust TLS What is trust? It really is the common name for the measure of authenticity, mainly testing the location you are trying to connect to. The standard by which something is verified to be genuine. The verification of the client is really more of authentication, user/client. The two are very similar, an authentic which is probably why they both share the same root name, authentikos greek meaning approximately original, primary one.