OpenSSL Video

New video

I've wanted to make videos for a while now, and I finally have. I rehearsed for a couple iterations now, I wrote the outline and all the commands out before hand; [[public:linux:common#openssl|here is where you can view the outline/commands]] . Everything went pretty smoothly, everybody I spoke to in my circle spoke positively about it, I wish I could get a couple more reactions about the technical content. I tried to upload the video to a public locations: vimeo <>, youtube <>, and perhaps more importantly <> . Although it might not get that many views there I would like the content to be publicly accessible and really without advertisements. Now you can grab the torrent <> and share it so that others can view it freely.

I plan on making other videos, if you have ideas or feedback on past videos email me ( Here are some of my ideas on the next video courses:
  • Editors (vim/emacs/nano)
  • Web servers and dokuwiki (Apache, Nginx)
  • debugging using Packet capturing (focus on SSL and errors)
  • operational topics (like df, top, ps, free, du, kill, rm, find)
  • reverse proxy and a Java web application server
  • automating previous topics

I hope that this will help other people. If you have ideas or again feedback, let me know. I used qt-recordmydesktop and edited it with openshot, the microphone worked out well, which is a Blue (company) Yeti (model). I would encourage you to accelerate the speed of the recording, I spoke with my wife and we both agree the recording sounds more professional/better at 1.5x speed.