
This is my site, look at posts for blogs which most people already know about. full for full featured content, this will be for living documents that I will try to maintain. My SSL/TLS article will be here as will others like the document describing my dotfiles.

I am Kevin, a "devops" "sysadmin" who really enjoy's "engineering". I try to document difficult points in technology. I'm mostly self taught, I have met very interesting and cool people along the way and I really like hanging out with them still.


Powershell Linux debut I began to experiment with Powershell. I feel that Microsoft has to follow through on showing the community that it meant what it said, that Microsoft Loves Linux. Perhaps I can lump myself into that group too, because I remember the October Document, and the utter frustration in trying to get Linux to work in a mostly Windows environment. I think Microsoft senses that the game is changing, and is changing with it.

After watching Modern Marvels Engineering Disasters series I reflect on our profession and our "disasters"

bash tips 1

BASH tips So I read a comment on Hacker News about ctrl+o and and the comment (and subsequent comments) made it sound as though it was this ultra helpful trick. Well I had a bit of difficulty finding what and how to use, perhaps its because I’m a bit stupid. So here is how it works, you type a command (I found it works best when you use ctrl+r then press ctrl+o) press ctrl+o instead of enter.


Version Managers I have been enjoying the idea of version managers for interpreted languages like Ruby, Python and even NodeJS. Python likes to advocate using virtualenv, which works very well when interacting and writing the code. However when interacting with automation like Ansible or Chef this becomes difficult since you have to source the shell scripts to install a given version. Some might argue that there isn’t a need to have one of these version managers, and as you might guess I disagree with that, and advocate for them.


====== White spaces can be dangerous ====== When I was some go I noticed that it refused to compile due to a white space: '’ ./go-test-router.go:17: invalid identifier character U+2502 ./go-test-router.go:17: syntax error: unexpected name, expecting } '’ I have noticed this first with Microsoft Windows formatting of white spaces and new lines. This is also true Word quotes. This was due to the fact that we had to put documentation on sharepoint.


====== Tiddlywiki entry everyday for 30 days ====== I’m going to make it a goal to make a tiddlywiki entry every day for 30 days. This will be in effort to help form a habit. Here is my plan, add items to track quick ideas like Million dollar ideas, things to research, plans for the house, programming/learning notes. Really Tiddlywiki should be quick and dirty, I want this dokuwiki to be more mature, organized, especially since it’s versioned with git.

title: btrfs Scrub Fail date: 2016-05-05 category: devops tags: linux btrfs slug: btrfs_srub_fail description: I experience unrecoverable error on btrfs RAID 5, ignoring previous claims of instability btrfs scrub fail I wrote this earlier on a internal corporate blog (Atlassian’s Confluence), but I don’t think many read it, it doesn’t give out any corporate information, but since I wrote it on “company time” I figured I should put it there.

title: Emacs date: 2016-09-18 category: linux tags: emacs slug: give_emacs_another_try description: I revisit emacs, and try to use it emacs Those that know me, know that I preach the use of vi as an editor. Reason being as those who know me might be able to recite: vi is everywhere and doesn’t need to be installed, its very powerful for its size, some jobs demand it! That fact was mentioned to me by someone at Phoenix Linux Users Group meeting, which was call CAT (Chat About Technology; lets go eat CAT, it was a bad joke, but we went with it) someone stated that some GE jobs require the use knowledge of vi, sure enough I went to [http://www.