Trust TLS

What is trust? It really is the common name for the measure of authenticity, mainly testing the location you are trying to connect to. The standard by which something is verified to be genuine. The verification of the client is really more of authentication, user/client. The two are very similar, an authentic which is probably why they both share the same root name, authentikos greek meaning approximately original, primary one. In modern day computing, we do this by trusting a few locations (Root CA's) then they issue trust to Intermediates who can then extend that trust to other locations like * or a specific name I will try to explain all of this and more. It should be through, and I hope I explain it well. The focus of this document has been geared towards copy and pastable commands, this is so that busy/jr enegineers/administrators can copy and paste and get a mildly working setup. In some places input or specifying a different option is required.


optional variables, for cleanliness purposes Generally speaking this will be the style throughout the document Root-Intermediate-> will be for server certificates Root-Intermediate-Intermediate-> will be for a cool team, demonstrating that we can have multi-level intermediates. This path is similar to RFC 4135 2.1

Root-IntermediateUsers is User authority The files will typically have this pattern Intermediate-${cipher}_,${user},${note}.${type} Root-${cipher}_${Server},${note}.${type} Here are the filenames I use, I'm pretty bad at naming things, but something is better than nothing.

export CA_PATH=$(pwd)/common_infra
export CERT_PATH=${CA_PATH}/certs
export KEY_PATH=${CA_PATH}/keys
export CSR_PATH=${CA_PATH}/csr
export SRL_PATH=${CA_PATH}/serial
export REVOKE_PATH=${CA_PATH}/revoke

core x509 certificates details

The x509 certificate structure is very well defined. Since the native form of the certificate is in ASN1, it is often useful to view those detials, you can do that with this command: openssl x509 -in cert.pem -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -i. It should output something like this: | tbsCertificate -------------- This field is also known as the "DN" and contains such fields as:

  • Name of the subject (CN)
  • Name of the issuer (CN)
  • Public Key of the subject
  • Expire Date
  • Start date
  • Version number (v2, v3)
  • Serial number (from CA)

Extensions will be in here, since this is the core components of an x509 certificate (as specified in the header), we won't go into all the extensions and the fields they bring. It should be noted that each extension has an OID and an ASN.1, so it can be viewed in a structured manner.


This is the algorithm used by the CA when the certificate is produced, and what was used to sign the digital certificate. This way it is known exactly what algorithm to use in order to decode the contents for verification. This WILL/MUST match the Signature algorithm (below) example

Signature Algorithm: sha384WithRSAEncryption


(RFC5280- This value is the signature (also hash) of tbsCertificate (DN, issuer, expire date, and more). By having this field, the CA has certified that the tbsCertificate field contents are valid. Primarily this is focused on the public key(link) and the subject of the certificate. Another way of putting is that by trusting the CA, you can trust that the tbsCertificate field is also valid.


This is simply the signature of all the certificate contents. Essentially it is showing that all the contents have been signed and the CA stamped the this with its signet ring and verified. If this part is a unclear, try reviewing PKI signatures.

example (from certtool)

Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA384
Examining the Signature

Since the signature is vital to the integrity of the certificate's contents, we really should look into it more. George Bolo wrote specifically about how to do this. What we need to do is just tell openssl to not print a lot of the default fields when using -text. You can find George's blog entry here <>.

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout -certopt ca_default -certopt no_validity -certopt no_serial -certopt no_subject -certopt no_extensions -certopt no_signame

Next we'll need to take that output, which is the signature of the CA, with RSA encryption. The key that was used to encrypt this hash was the issuer's public key. So we need to take that

openssl rsautl -verify -inkey \
  <(openssl x509 -in certs/RootCA_GnuTLS-RSA.crt -noout -pubkey) -in \
  <(openssl x509 -in certs/IntermediateCA_GnuTLS-RSA.crt -text -noout -certopt ca_default -certopt no_validity -certopt no_serial -certopt no_subject -certopt no_extensions -certopt no_signame |  grep -v 'Signature Algorithm' | tr -d '[:space:]:' | xxd -r -p) -pubin \
  | openssl asn1parse -inform der


generate the key, then generate the request, otherwise known as the Certificate signing request. The req request takes the request and immediately signs it and generates the certificate. Root certicates are always self signed, these are the highest level of the trust tree. Feel free to give this certificate out. If you own this machine, distribute it, and trust it (especially in a lab/sandbox).

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key
openssl req  -new -x509 -sha256 -days 2191 -key ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ${CERT_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.crt


Optional, we can do these operations as different commands, if you are learning this might be a good route, just to see what the command above is doing.

openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -key ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key -reqexts v3_req -out ${CSR_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.csr && \
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -signkey ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key -in ${CSR_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.csr -extensions v3_ca -out ${CERT_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.crt

Optional (generates the revoke list)

Here a certificate revoke list is being generated. A certificate revoke list a location where clients can check to see if the issuer has revoked the certificate they are about to consume. These are typically not used day-to-day, and OCSP (stapling) is favored. Since OCSP prevents SSL Stripping, which can be done by proxies. If you want something funny, look at the bug of man openssl-crl

openssl crl -inform PEM -in ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key -CAfile ${CERT_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.crt -outform DER -out ${REVOKE_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.crl

IntermediateCA ECC

These step could be repeated for a client certificate authority; it might be good so that this CA handles only users and will be need to be explicitly added to which ever trust will be handling the users. Additionally this could be given to an intern or contractor, and if the CA key/secret is compromised, there is limited impact to other CA's.

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ${KEY_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.key
openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -key ${KEY_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.key -out ${CSR_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.csr #CSR's
openssl x509 -req -days 1200 -sha256 -in ${CSR_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.csr -CAkey ${KEY_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.key -CA ${CERT_PATH}/RootCA_ECC.crt -out ${CERT_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.crt -CAcreateserial -CAserial ${SRL_PATH}/ #optional: -set_serial 01

CA Answers

If you want to make an "answers" file, this will allow you to by pass many of OpenSSL's prompts. When dealing with a lot of certificates this is very useful. Here is one for a Certificate Authority. Since by now you've already worked through a prompt with the Root CA, you should pretty much understand what the fields are used for.

prompt = no
default_md = sha256
req_extensions = req_ext
distinguished_name = dn
[ dn ]
ST=North Carolina

Here we'll generate a server certificate with the same encryption type. But we'll do something a little special here. We'll specify extensions to the X509 certificate types. These are added on top of the X509 certificates, the really improve things good deal and chances are you'll need them, almost 100% you'll need Subject Alternate Names, typically just called "SANs". The following is pretty much copy pastable, if you are in a pinch grab and go, replace some of the unique fields like file names and Locality type repsonses.

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out wildcard_lazytree_ECC.pem
openssl req -new -sha256 -key wildcard_lazytree_ECC.pem -out ${CSR_PATH}/wildcard_lazytree_ECC.csr -config  <(
cat <<-EOD
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
req_extensions = req_ext
distinguished_name = dn
[ dn ]
ST=North Carolina
[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
DNS.3 =
openssl x509 -req -days 800 -sha256 -in ${CSR_PATH}/IntermediateCA_ECC.csr -CAkey IntermediateCA_ECC.pem -CAserial -out ${CERT_PATH}/wildcard_lazytree_ECC.crt


The first time you use your CA to sign a certificate you can use the -CAcreateserial option. This option will create a file ( containing a serial number. You are probably going to create more certificate, and the next time you will have to do that use the -CAserial option (and no more -CAcreateserial) followed with the name of the file containing your serial number. This file will be incremented each time you sign a new certificate. This serial number will be readable using a browser (once the certificate is imported to a pkcs12 format). And we can have an idea of the number of certificate created by a CA.

Clients trust

This will allow clients to use certificate in a two manner there are many exampes of big projects that have support of this (but not limited to):
  • postgres
  • dovecot
  • mysql
  • HAProxy
  • Apache
  • nginx
  • curl
  • kafka

I hope the list jogs your mind on where you can take this, two way SSL or "mTLS" or Mutual Authentication is really just allowing the client (the one connecting to the server) to specify a certificate, this is done at the client portion of the TLS handshake, which we'll dig into soon. Let's go ahead and generate the client cert here. I mentioned at the beginning of this documentation that I would try to use a different Intermediate for usage as a client CA. This is because you'll typically need to distribute this CA to clients, and might need to give access to the intermediates to other teams, like a client satisfaction team or sales engineers to issue new client certs quickly. This is just an example, not a best practice.

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ${client_key_out}
openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${client_key_out} -out ${CSR_PATH}/client_lazytree_ECC.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 300 -sha256 -in ${CSR_PATH}/client_lazytree_ECC.csr -CA ${CERT_PATH}/  IntermediateClientCA_ECC.crt -CAkey IntermediateClientCA_ECC.pem -out ${CERT_PATH}/client_lazytree_ECC.crt

Chains or Bundles

Chains can be used, or they don't have to be. The usage lies in the fact that if an intermediate is not trusted, but the root certificate is, or another intermediate in the chain is trusted. The name bundles are used because there are bundles of certificates (Root and Intermediates), it is highly recommended that the fully chain, be sent (hey you reading this, send dat chain!). You can find options that are used for CA Chains in the server secition below. The order is defined in RFC-5246 <> The order is exactly as follows:
  1. Server Certificate
  2. Intermediate
  3. <optional> another Intermediate that has signed number two
  4. Root Certificate
cat IntermediateCA.crt RootCA.crt > Cert-Chain.pem
cat IntermediateCA_ECC.crt RootCA_ECC.crt > Cert-Chain_ECC.pem

Verification of Certificates

It is always good to verify your work, even better to have a buddy check your work too, you never know what you might learn from somebody else's perspective.

Examine a certificate

Check your work

openssl x509 -in ${CERT_PATH}/certificate.crt -text -noout
Examine a key (RSA)

You can also look at the key you produced

openssl rsa -in privateKey.key -check
Public key (RSA)

Sometimes it can be useful to have the public key of the secret private key.

openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -pubout -out publicKey.pem
Examine a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

To view a previously generated certificate signing request you can run the following.

openssl req -text -noout -verify -in CSR.csr

Revoke a Cert

As mentioned, revokation lists and the revoking process isn't done too much. But it could really help out, consider an example, 24 hours before a certificate is about to expire if an Internal CA were to revoke the soon to expire certificate, you will have an opportunity to know for sure which applciations depend on the certifcate. This could be very useful for large organizations. Just a tip!

openssl ca -config ca.conf -revoke ia.crt -keyfile ca.key -cert ${CERT_PATH}/ca.crt -crl_reason superseded

Configuring SSL on Operating Systems

Here is a list of operating systems and how to configure SSL on them, I hope this helps, if you know of somelet me know (open a pull request).


First we need to prep, the the best of my knowledge windows doesn't handle pem formats, which is pretty frustrating. So we need to export it to a PKCS12 format.

openssl pkcs12 -export -in wildcard_lazytree_ECC.crt -inkey wildcard_lazytree_ECC.pem -out wildcard_lazytree_ECC.pfx -certfile Cert-Chain_ECC.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in wildcard_lazytree.crt -inkey wildcard_lazytree.pem -out wildcard_lazytree.pfx -certfile  Cert-Chain.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -nokeys -in RootCA.crt -out RootCA.pfx
openssl pkcs12 -export -nokeys -in RootCA_ECC.crt -out RootCA_ECC.pfx

Now we can take that file and add it to Windows

certutil.exe -addstore "RootCA_SHA1" RootCA.pfx
certutil.exe -addstore "RootCA_ECC" RootCA_ECC.pfx
certutil.exe -importPFX wildcard_lazytree_ECC.pfx
certutil.exe -importPFX wildcard_lazytree.pfx

RHEL-like Linux

You can easily add certificates to Redhat like distributions like Fedora, Centos, Amazon Linux, Scientific Linux or Oracle Linux. Consider distributing this as an RPM.

rsync -va \*crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
update-ca-trust force-enable

Debian-like Linux AND Gentoo

Gentoo <>

rsync -va \*crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/


Settings > Security & Lock Screen > Credential storage (under "advanced") > Install from storage



Java holds the keys and certificates in a special file, called a keystore. It used to be a proprietary format JKS, but the newer, preferred format is p12 (PKCS12). You can access it with keytool, which should be in the same path as java ($JAVA_HOME/bin/).

keytool -v -list -keystore /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacert || keytool -v -list -keystore /etc/pki/java/cacerts #changeit is Java's default
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias rootCA_ECC -file  RootCA_ECC.crt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias IntermediateCA_ECC -file  IntermediateCA_ECC.crt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias rootCA_weak -file  RootCA.crt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias IntermediateCA_weak -file  IntermediateCA.crt

Chrome You can avoid the message for trusted sites by installing the certificate. This can be done by clicking on the warning icon in the address bar, then click "Not secure" -> Certificate Invalid -> Details Tab -> Export... Save the certificate.

Use Chrome's Preferences -> Under The Hood -> Manage Certificates -> Import. On the "Certificate Store" screen of the import, choose "Place all certificates in the following store" and browse for "Trusted Root Certification Authorities." Restart Chrome. Chrome Settings > Show advanced settings > HTTPS/SSL > Manage Certificates > Authorities


server {
listen 80;
server_name "";
server {
server_name ""
listen 443 http2 ssl;
listen [::]:443 http2 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certificates/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/keys/;
ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/keys/;


Listen 443 ssl
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/chain.crt
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/tls/client_IntermediateCA.crt
SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters "/etc/pki/ssl/dhparams.pem"
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

# It would be nice to get blake2s256 supported in more places #GPG fingerprint = 7545BFF3710684D2E6BCFE98C5D5F4BED24A4A02 #GPG fingerprint = 438263E03BF0BDC64F9A6415AA63E0576CC60292


I have recently been liking GnuTLS since it has rather descriptive options, they are easy to read and self describing of the process. The issue is that it isn't always installed.

certtool --generate-privkey --bits 4096 --outfile RootCA_G-RSA.pem
certtool --generate-request --load-privkey RootCA_G-RSA.pem --hash=SHA256 --template gnutls-ssl-answers.txt --outfile RootCA_G-RSA.csr
certtool --generate-certificate --load-privkey RootCA_G-ECC.pem --outfile RootCA_G-ECC.crt --load-ca-certificate ca-cert.pem --load-ca-privkey ca-key.pem


Coming in version 3.6!! Ed25519 keys certtool --generate-privkey --key-type ed25519 --outfile RootCA_G-ECC.pem otherwise you might need to go with secp 256

certtool --generate-privkey --ecc --curve secp256r1 --outfile RootCA_G-ECC.pem
certtool --generate-request --load-privkey RootCA_G-ECC.pem --hash=SHA256 --outfile RootCA_G-ECC.csr
certtool --generate-certificate --load-privkey RootCA_G-ECC.pem --outfile RootCA_G-ECC.crt --load-ca-certificate ca-cert.pem --load-ca-privkey ca-key.pem

Quick Reference Lists

You could call these "cheat sheets" but these are more translation matrixes, like a rosetta stone of options. I often get frustrated with how many different options I'm called to remember (not entirely told, but just feel as though, professionally, I should). It can be difficult not specializing in a specific peice of software, since you have a ever expanding target of defaults, types of actions, configurations locations, and command line arguements; but I digress. I hope to make more of these, checkout my dotfiles where I use the top 26 lines as a quick reference. Some the options I know, others I have a hard time remembering, while others I learned while making it.


OpenSSL GnuTLS function
x509 -verify --verify verify x509 cert
x509 -CAfile --load-ca-certificate verify chain CA file
x509 -text -noout -in --certificate-info --infile verify an x509 cert
req -noout -text -in --crq-info --infile examine a CSR

x509 generation

OpenSSL GnuTLS function
x509 -text -noout -in --verify --infile verify x509 certicate
x509 -CAfile --load-ca-certificate verify chain againt file
x509 -CAkey --load-ca-privkey load CA key to sign
x509 -req --load-request load CSR to sign for cert
x509 -CA --load-ca-certificate Load CA cert to sign
x509 -config --template preconfigured answers
x509 -sha256 --hash=SHA256 certificate hash (sha256)


OpenSSL GnuTLS function
s_client -connect :443 gnutls-cli HOST connect to $HOST:443
x509 -CAfile --load-ca-certificate verify chain againt file

keys (RSA)

OpenSSL GnuTLS function
genrsa -out --generate-privkey --outfile Write rsa Key to file
rsa -noout -text -in -k --infile examine RSA Key

Diffie Helman

OpenSSL GnuTLS function
dhparam 2048 -out --generate-dh-params generate parameters

RFC list

Forward Secrecyree_SSH_CA-ed -h -t ed25519 -a 100 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH_CA-ecdsa -h -t ecdsa -b 521 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH_CA-rsa -h -t rsa -b 4096

Traditional Host Keys

ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-rsa -t rsa -b 4096 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-ed -t ed25519 -a 100 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-ecdsa -t ecdsa -b 521

DH Params

Diffie Helman is pretty cool

openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096

Host CA's

ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH_CA-ed -h -t ed25519 -a 100 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH_CA-ecdsa -h -t ecdsa -b 521 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH_CA-rsa -h -t rsa -b 4096

Traditional Host Keys

ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-rsa -t rsa -b 4096 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-ed -t ed25519 -a 100 ssh-keygen -f LazyTree_SSH-ecdsa -t ecdsa -b 521